Sunday, February 08, 2009

Dreams Coming True

Things are changing in my house. It's like these great big kids swooped in and ate our little babies and replaced them. But I can't say I miss that phase of life. I love having bigger kids. They play together and genuinely enjoy each others company. It's just so much easier when you don't have to supervise every second of their time.

But the most exciting part is reading chapter books to Eric. We just finished reading The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and he loved it. I thought he wasn't that into it, because we didn't read it for a few nights. Then as I was drying him off after his bath on Thursday he asked, "Let's find out what happened to Edmund?"


Tonight we finished the second to last chapter and I tried to put him to bed and he said "Please can we read a little more?" So, we finished it.

Now, I'm just composing lists in my head of stuff we should read. Rich read him A Christmas Carol and Legend of Sleepy Hollow when he was 4 and he seemed to get them so I think we have a lot of options.

But each book takes at least a couple of weeks, so I need to choose wisely. I want to read him Harry Potter and The Graveyard Book and everything by Roald Dahl (did you know he was a real spy during WWII?) and the Wizard of Oz, The Phantom Tollbooth, A Wrinkle in Time, My Side of the Mountain and The Great Brain...

There's only so much time before he'll want to read on his own... I must choose wisely.


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