Monday, July 30, 2007

Falling Down the Learning Curve

We spent the weekend in Western MA. My dad made some regular pancakes on Saturday morning and Kaylee snarfed them up. Eric was in another part of the house eating fruit and cheese like he usually does. He has never liked pancakes, so it's not an issue for him not to eat them.

But then he drank out of Kaylee's sippy cup later and today he has a tummy ache. Argh! We can't expect everybody to be gluten free everywhere we go. But I wish I could predict these things a little better.

I just wish I could trade places with him. I wish it was me, so that he didn't have to go through this. I don't care if I ever eat gluten again, or if I get stomach aches if I make a mistake. But I sure care that he does.

But it doesn't work that way. He has to go through the health that he was dealt. But it makes me really sad sometimes.


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