Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New Cat or Not New Cat: That is the Question

My cat Xander died over the summer. I was sad, but kind of relieved. He was a great kid cat. He let them pet him and he never hurt them unless they really did something bad to him. Then the might give a little scratch. But he was obnoxious, loud at night, he shredded furniture and puked several times per day on every surface of the house including my bed.

But my other cat is not happy being an only cat. He stays out all the time, and he's afraid to come in if the kids are around. He wasn't like that when X was around. And the kids really miss having a cat they can pet. But I don't want more things to take care of! But I want a new cat. I miss having a cat that hangs out with me. I just don't want a puking furniture shredder. Is that too much to ask?

In other news, Kaylee's transition to family day care 3 days per week was fairly seamless. I was shocked. There were no tears or recriminations on the first drop off. She's a fabulous judge of character and knows that the provider is good people. She's a bit clingy when I pick her up, but it's not too bad. But the best part is that I'm Getting Things Done here. I've actually had time to write, and the muse has been hovering somewhere near my house because it's happening for now. Although I'm blogging at the moment, not Writing. But it will get there. I've got a deadline! I need to complete a manuscript that I can submit to agents by September of 2008. We'll see how it goes.

Eric continues to thrive, but suddenly he's having 'accidents' again and I'm not sure what is up with that. I thought we were done with that phase. Sigh. Two steps forward one step back. It goes with the territory, I suppose. I'll send him to his room to change his clothes (unless I'm in a hurry) and it will usually result in him playing semi naked for nearly an hour while he whines that he wants me to put on his clothes for him. But eventually he'll get bored and want to go do something and he'll deign to dress. It's quite hilarious if you think about it.

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