Friday, June 22, 2007

When Disaster Strikes: The Mixer Dies

In April, my cousin Sam purchases me a brand new Kitchenaid stand mixer at the Navy Exchange in Rhode Island. I was making some snazzy gluten free cookies for a potluck we're going to this evening, and a lump of brown sugar hit the paddle the wrong way and it jammed. I went AAH and flipped off the switch in the span of about two seconds. But it was too late. The mixer was dead and would not spin.

So, I called Kitchenaid and of course they don't want to honor the warranty because the manufacture date was more than a year ago. Miraculously, I was able to produce the receipt from the drawer where I remembered stashing it... And it was there. So, I took a picture of it with my camera and e-mailed it to them.

I will be very pissed if my $300 mixer is not under warranty. The consumer has no control over manufacture dates and how long something sits on the shelf. And I need to do a LOT of baking in the near future as I convert my favorite recipes to gluten free ones!

Very pissed right now.


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