Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Poor Eric. They sent him home again with a fever, and this time I had Rich take him right to the doctor. Turns out he had an ear infection. The doctor was surprised, as kids with ear infections usually complain a lot more. I had a feeling it was his ears bugging him. But he's getting a couple teeth, so I wasn't sure. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in ASAP, and we'll all be sleeping better. I'm still in a bit of a fog. I went to bed at 9:30 last night. He woke me up at midnight, exactly six hours from the last dose of ibuprofin.

So, he's started his 10 day round of antibiotics. He should be right as rain at this time tomorrow.

In other news, Rich is going to Syracuse the last week of October. I might try to go with him to scope out the area.


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